About Me


Hi, my name is Haasini.

I love to make crafts such as drawings and paintings. Another thing I enjoy very much is to bake. I like to make pastries out of ingredients I think will taste good together, and I make cookies out of different types of flours such as almond flour or einkorn flour. Another thing I tremendously enjoy is knitting. I like to take different yarns and start a granny’s cloth. I like to experiment with different stitches and sometimes I mix perl and knit stitches together to create a random pattern. If you haven’t already noticed I love to experiment with different items. I also enjoy sunsets. Something about looking at them gives me a pleasure that I am not able to see with any other type of landscape. My main passion are animals, specifically domestic animals. I love watching them play and eat and they are amazing creatures to observe because you can get so much from watching domestic animals. I love watching all kinds of domestic animals from rabbits to horses to cows to birds. each one delivers speech and comunication so differently and it is so nice to research about all of their behaviors.

My Bunny, Honey the Bunny link to video: https://youtu.be/fsVMEPVqhlY